During the Season of Creation we would like to encourage churches and parishes to take part in our VIRTUAL Climate Justice Candle Project!
All you and your family or church friends need to do is designate one of your own candles as your very own Climate Justice Candle. It can be any size – simply make it look special and put it in a prominent safe place in your home or church premises. Print out one of the prayers on the ECI website – https://bit.ly/3eLJQG0 – (or write your own) and set it by the candle (but not so it risks catching fire!). What you then do is up to you! Pray when you can. Perhaps choose a day and a time. Prayerfully consider actions you can take to reduce your own impact on the Earth. All information and prayers are on the ECI website here >> https://bit.ly/31v1rO4
Post a photo of your candle on Facebook with Shine a Light on Climate Justice as a title and the link to the Eco-Congregation Ireland website – https://www.ecocongregationireland.com/. Please also email your photo to Eco-Congregation Ireland so that we can share it on the ECI website and Facebook page – send to [email protected]. These stories will make up a wonderful collection of climate justice actions during Season of Creation!