Jane Mellett Laudato Si Officer, Trocaire sent ECI this report:
“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?” (Laudato Si, 160)
An Interfaith Prayer Service organised by a new Irish inter-faith climate group “FaithS for Climate Action” gathered in solidarity with the youth climate strikers last Friday in Dublin. Gathering at the Famine Memorial on Custom House Quay the representatives of various faith communities in Ireland sought to raise awareness that there is now a dire need for concrete action on climate change as this is an issue which affects everyone, no matter what faith they profess.
Around 100 people attended the prayer before the protest, which included readings from each of the faith traditions sacred texts, all on the theme of caring for Mother Earth. It was quite a moving event in solidarity with one another and with the young people who were gathering nearby. Afterwards we were all delighted to join the protest and show our support for the school strikers.
A welcome addition to the prayer and the protest was the Laudato Si Globe from the World Meeting of Families 2018. This globe, which played quite a prominent role in the protest, was kindly sponsored by the Redemptorist Congregation and carried by the 5th years from Belvedere College, Dublin.
Adrian Cristea from Dublin City Interfaith Forum said: “Through prayers and readings from our diverse faith traditions connecting with the wider public in the city, the brief service gave pause for thought and shared the vital narrative that decision makers and the people alike share a common responsibility: to take action for a healthy world”