Helen Shiel sent ECI this report: Dundrum Methodist Church recently recommitted to ECI after a lull of several years. As so many of our congregation are environmentally active one of our greatest challenges has been making the link between the environment and our faith so hosting the candle was a salutary reminder that climate action is first and foremost a gospel imperative and therefore a justice issue.
We were fortunate to be able to extend the candle’s sojourn with us for several weeks and so we had the opportunity to ask the children and willing teens to light it at the joint services with accompanying short introductions by the Rev Stephen Taylor and two members of the eco team, prayers and hymns . The first Sunday it was lit by a young boy and his sister who was celebrating her eighth birthday and the final service it was lit by a teenage boy who was actually being confirmed that very morning! The candle generated some interesting discussion and follow up after the services (though we would have loved much more!) and also at the Open Door Café and Bowls Club. We believe it also encouraged several of the congregation to join the Dundrum Climate Vigil on September 20th in support of the Students Call for Climate Action.