Global Day of Action ~ 26th September

Stop Climate Chaos and People’s Climate Ireland are organising the screening of Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything documentary on Saturday 26th September in Merrion Square, Dublin, to mark a Global Day of Action.

The film aims to inspire and empower in the belief that we can seize the existential crisis of climate change to transform our failed economic system into something radically better.

We’re one of a handful of countries getting to screen the film a month before it goes on general release so do join us for this outdoor screening to witness powerful stories from communities on the front line of climate change.

Naomi Klein is the best-selling author of No Logo, The Shock Doctrine and now This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate.

When: Saturday September 26th 5.30 – 9.30pm 

Where: Merrion Square Park, Dublin

Tickets: €5 suggested donation on the gate

Before the film screening,there will be live music from Mundy and Oliver Cole, the best of Dublin’s street food offerings and entertainment in the form of a wandering Molly Malone, Climate Change Croquet, bicycle-demolished smoothies and bicycle-powered projections under the trees, a photo exhibition and, oh, free Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream!

Will this film change everything? Absolutely not. But you could, by answering its call to action! So come along on Saturday and tell all your friends, family, neighbours and colleagues about it too!