Church of Ireland to consider disinvestment from fossil fuels

The Church of Ireland’s investment committee has committed to an examination of the church’s investment in fossil fuel companies and will report back to next year’s General Synod.

Eco-Congregation Ireland Chairperson, the Ven Andrew Orr, was one of several Synod members to raise the issue at General Synod, which was held in Armagh from 7th to 9th May 2015.

The Church of Ireland was urged to act and speak with a prophetic voice on climate change and called on the Representative Body to update its policies and disinvest in companies that contribute to climate change.

The Church of England’s process of disinvestment in companies involved in fossil fuels was highlighted.

The chairman of the investment committee said the depth of comment on climate change would be noted by the committee. He said they could not change course over night but that changes could be made over time, adding that they were aware of the need to be proactive on the issue and asked to be given time to take action, if appropriate.