Fossil-free nativity encourages churches to disinvest in fossil fuels

fossil-free nativityA fossil-free nativity? What a genius idea!

Christian environmentalists in England performed a fossil-free nativity play on the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral, London, on Saturday 14th December.

The activists donned wings, robes, beards and cloaks to deliver a modern reworking of the original nativity interspersed with fossil-free Christmas carols.

The performance raised the question of how the church can divest from fossil fuels.

Here’s an extract:

No oil, no oil the angels did sing

No more fossil fuels just invest in green things

Solar panels, local food, and other green stuff

Insulate all buildings then we’ll be warm enough

No Oil, no oil, no oil, no oil

Now is the time to divest from those fuels!

You can read the full script here.

In 2014 the Church of England will decide on whether or not to disinvest from fossil fuels the way it has from tobacco and the arms trade.  Since the business model of these companies inherently requires catastrophic climate change their veneer of respectability must be challenged, says Operation Noah.