Are you preparing for a green Christmas?!

Christmas has become such a time of over-indulgence and expense and, for anyone trying to live in an eco-friendly manner, it is probably the most challenging time of the year. No-one wants to miss out on the celebrations and the joy of the festive season and the good news is … there are steps that can be taken to celebrate in a green way.

christmas treeHere’s a few tips for joining in the fun without creating mountains of waste and sending your CO2 emissions through the roof:

~ Buy organic, locally-produced food as far as possible.

~  Send e-cards instead of paper ones. Not only are they free, but also you don’t have to buy a stamp. Try one of these sites:

~  If you have to use snail-mail, choose cards made from recycled paper, or make your own from last year’s cards.

~  Recycle used cards – these can be converted into boxes or Christmas decorations. See

~  Cut the pictures from old Christmas cards and use them as gift tags for presents.

~ Use wrapping paper made from recycled paper.  Unwrap your presents carefully and reuse the paper.

~  When giving presents, wrap them using string or ribbon so that the paper can be opened without damaging it.

~  Instead of giving each other unwanted presents, why not give a global gift (eg Trócaire or Christian Aid), or buy presents from charity shops, or make hand-made presents and think or pray about the person as you make it?

~  If you do buy new, buy minimally-earth-damaging things, like books or fair-trade items and steer clear of plastic.

~   Ask people what they want before you buy them something that they don’t need.

~   Instead of buying ‘stuff’, you could give a voucher for a meal out or theatre tickets.

~  Organise a collection in your office or persuade management to make a donation instead of giving corporate gifts or sending out cards.

~ If your family does not already have a compost bin, put that on your present list and start making compost for your garden with left over vegetables, grass cuttings etc.

~  Consider supporting a charity when buying your Christmas tree.

~  Recycle your tree after Christmas. Alternatively, purchase a tree in a pot that can be planted when it becomes too big for the pot.

~  Many items require batteries.  Consider buying rechargeable batteries that are much kinder to the environment than the regular ones. Give a battery charger as a gift.

~  Buy well-made, durable toys and gifts.  Give toys that are no longer being played with to a local charity.

christmas~  Select cosmetics and toiletry gifts that use natural materials and are not tested on animals.

~  Bring your own carrier bag when shopping.  Don’t be afraid to decline a new bag in the shop if you don’t need it.

~  Make a new year’s resolution that you and your family will recycle anything that can be recycled, re-use any thing that can be re-used and reduce anything that can be reduced!

Resist the excesses of consumerism, which not only fail to bring lasting happiness but also cause great harm to Creation. And, above all, take time during this busy season to remember what it’s all about – the beauty, simplicity and significance of the Incarnation – Emmanuel – God with us.

Eco-Congregation Ireland wishes all our supporters a truly holy and blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year 🙂