Pray for UN climate talks ~ November 11-22

Please pray for wisdom and guidance for world leaders as they meet in Poland from November 11 – 22 2013 for the 19th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC. They need our prayers as they seek to

You might like to use this prayer prepared by Christian Ecology Link

To you, O Lord, we lift up our souls;

In you we trust, O God.

Faithful, merciful, trusting God,
You have let us loose on your world with enough fossilised carbon to destroy it,
and with enough intelligence to know that we do so.
Forgive us, Lord, for we know what we do.

We pray for the COP19 UN negotiations happening in Warsaw at the moment.
Let short term business interests bow to science.
Let politics give way to justice.
Let economics step back and allow righteousness to prevail.

Speak to the hearts of every negotiator
that they may feel your love for your earth,
and your desire for every child of God to do their part
in liberating creation from its bondage to decay.

Show us your ways, O Lord,
teach us your paths;
guide us in your truth and teach us,
for you are God our Saviour,
and our hope is in you all day long.


To keep abreast of developments at COP19 see the official website.