St Michael’s Parish, Inchicore, focus on the gift of Creation

St Michael’s Parish, Inchicore, celebrated the liturgy of the Mass with a focus on the gift of Creation on 5th and 6th October. Care and appreciation of the world was at the centre of the worship.

Inchicore award 003Vegetables and fruit grown by parishioners in Grattan Park community garden were included in the offertory. Parishioners were also actively encouraged to participate in the liturgy by bringing a food offering to place on the altar and shared following Mass on the Sunday morning.

Tree Gift cards were sold following the service. These make ideal gifts and help in the Oblate re-forestation Mission in Indonesia.

Mercy Secondary School was delighted to be allocated one of the allotments in the community garden recently. Transition Year students are looking forward to developing their piece of land in a creative way that envelops many subjects. The allotment provides a new opportunity for students to connect to the local community and to contribute to the community. When officially opening the allotments recently, Dublin Lord Mayor Oisín Quinn paid tribute to the students for their endeavours.

A number of St Michael’s parishioners joined in a clean-up of the nearby canal.

The parish was also delighted to have Irish soprano, Regina Nathan, join them for a culture night. Her beautiful rendition of ‘I dreamt I dwelt in Marble Halls’ brought the audience to their feet.