‘Bright Now’ campaign calls on churches to disinvest in fossil fuels

Churches are being asked to disinvest in fossil fuels in a newly-launched ‘Bright Now’ campaign.

The UK-based ecumenical environmental group, Operation Noah, has launched the initiative in the belief that churches need to disinvest from fossil fuel companies if they are to retain their integrity in the face of climate change.

A range of resources has been produced to help people find out more about the global movement towards fossil fuel disinvestment.

Bright-now-coverThe Bright Now report (PDF) sets out the moral, theological, scientific, financial and practical case for churches to disinvest from fossil fuel companies, and examines why they must actively seek to support clean, alternative forms of energy generation through their investment portfolios.

In her introduction to the report, Dr Isabel Carter, Chair of Operation Noah, says that by disinvesting in fossil fuels, the Church would show its faith in a low-carbon future, help reframe the debate and inspire hope. “Investment in renewable energy, energy conservation and sustainable infrastructure is consistent with Christian values and would provide much-needed capital and symbolic approval for these sectors,” she writes.

Operation Noah is calling on churches and the Christian community to:

  • Disinvest from companies involved in the extraction of fossil fuels
  • Take a leading and influential role in the national debate on the ethics of investment in fossil fuels
  • Support the development of clean alternatives to fossil fuels through their investment policies

Operation Noah is an ecumenical Christian charity providing leadership, focus and inspiration in response to the growing threat of catastrophic climate change.

See here for more details.