Stop Climate Chaos activists tell government time is running out for real action on climate change

A group of Stop Climate Chaos campaigners dressed as Homer Simpson held a demonstration outside the Dáil on November 22.  The protest was held ahead of the annual UN climate conference where environment ministers from across the world will meet to take stock of global commitments to act on climate change.

The meeting will take place in Qatar in the city of Doha, but according to the activists, it’s more like ‘Doh-a’!

Stop Climate Chaos D'Oh protestCliona Sharkey of Trócaire said, ‘This is the first global meeting of ministers since governments agreed last year to negotiate a new global climate deal by 2015 and put it in place by 2020, but it’s not clear what action they’re going to take now.  They’re just not getting that climate change is here and we don’t have the luxury of time.’

‘Rocketing global food prices this year following the worst US drought in half a century show how the impacts of climate change across the world affect us all and, every time in every country it’s poor and vulnerable people who bear the brunt’ said Ciara Gaynor of Oxfam.

‘The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the International Energy Agency are very clear that current emission reduction commitments are far too weak and 2020 is simply too late if we’re to meet the goals agreed by the international community and avoid runaway climate change.  We need to introduce a climate bill this year get Ireland on the right track – the law needs to be strong and effective and passed as soon as possible’ said Sorley McCaughey of Christian Aid.

Eco-Congregation Ireland is a member of the Stop Climate Chaos coalition of civil, development and faith organisations working together to combat runaway climate change.