Stop Climate Chaos welcomes NESC report on climate policy

Stop Climate Chaos logoStop Climate Chaos – the coalition of civil, development and faith groups – welcomes the prompt publication of a report, Towards a New National Climate Policy, by the Secretariat of the National Economic and Social Council (NESC).

The purpose of this independent analysis is to inform the development of Irish climate change policy and it was requested by Minister Phil Hogan as part of his Roadmap for Climate Policy and Legislation earlier this year.

Stop Climate Chaos also welcomes the Ministers repeated commitment to sending heads of a climate Bill to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment, Culture and the Gaeltacht before the end of this year.

Announcing the landmark publication of this report, Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan mentioned again his commitment to sending a draft climate Bill to the Environment committee by the end of this year.

“This landmark report shows that it is possible to achieve our 2020 targets, but to do so we must act,” commented Michelle Lambe, a spokesperson for the coalition.

“Strong climate legislation is exactly what we need to ensure that we do achieve our 2020 targets. We look forward to engaging with Minister Hogan and the entire Cabinet Committee on Climate Change on the forthcoming legislation.”

The NESC report can be read here,31203,en.htm

To read an analysis of the report by Harry McGee of The Irish Times, see