Celtic Spirituality ~ Rev Grace Clunie

Rev Grace Clunie, Director of the Centre for Celtic Spirituality, Armagh, led a workshop on ‘Celtic Spirituality’ at Eco-Congregation Ireland’s inaugural conference.

This is a synopsis written by Rev Clunie:

There is an urgent need to discover a new reciprocal relationship with the earth.

How can we live on the earth – without harming and destroying forever all the other species with whom we share the planet?

How can we live sustainably and practise respect for the sacred earth?

If we don’t address these issues in our ways of living – and Churches ought to be leading by example – what is the future for the earth?

Inspirations from ancient Celtic Spirituality offer guidance in the challenges facing us in the 21st Century.

These include, firstly, their awareness of the Sacred Presence at the heart of life – every moment is filled with Presence.

Secondly, their understanding of the sacred origins of everything and of Christ’s salvation for all creation – not just human beings – with particular reference to Genesis 1, Romans 8 and Colossians 1.

Thirdly, their way of acknowledging the ‘Holy’ in everything – the mystery of the Sacred – even in the ‘ordinary’ aspects of daily life.

Fourthly, their practice of simple and sustainable living, in small communities, offering hospitality and healing.

All of this is vital in initiating a new relationship of mutuality and respect for the earth, based on reciprocity, equality and love.

Rev Grace Clunie has been an Anglican priest for 17 years. Her passion is Celtic Spirituality and she is the author of ‘Sacred Living: Practical Inspirations from Celtic Spirituality for the Contemporary Spiritual Journey’ published by Columba Press, 2011. For the past five years she has been Director of the Centre for Celtic Spirituality, Armagh.