Awakening to the Spirituality of a New Earth Consciousness ~ Mary Kate Hagan RSM

Mary Kate Hagan RSM led a workshop titled ‘Awakening to the Spirituality of a New Earth Consciousness’ at Eco-Congregation Ireland’s inaugural conference.

The workshop was an invitation to ponder and experience reflectively the significance for our lives of the astonishing evolutionary journey in the sacred ‘Story of the Universe’, awakening us to a new consciousness. Participants explored the significance of a new emerging worldview as the context for the on-going search for a new planetary vision.

You can see Mary Kate’s summary of the workshop here – AWAKENING TO THE SPIRITUALITY OF A NEW EARTH CONSCIOUSNESS

Mary Kate Hagan is a Sister of Mercy from the Northern Province based in Bundoran, Co Donegal, where they have a community garden and allotments. They promote organic growing, biodiversity and sustainable living in the wider context of the evolutionary Story of the Universe. Along with a group of local people, she has initiated a Transition Town in Bundoran, which is about sowing the seeds of an alternative local economy and building a resilient local community. She is also involved in offering workshops on The Search for A New Planetary Vision, Living Systems, Creation Spirituality and Retreat Work.