Public concern about the effects of climate change falls

The results of a climate change survey commissioned by the Department of the Environment in Northern Ireland shows that of those persons who believe in climate change, 50% are concerned about the effects of climate change.

This represents a fall from the last survey conducted in 2009, which showed that 57% of those who believe in climate change were concerned about its effects. It is also lower than the 65% recorded as being concerned in a similar UK study in 2012.

Sixty-one per cent of respondents believe that a combination of human activity and natural processes is to blame for climate change, with only 3% saying that climate change did not exist. Fewer people now think that human activity on its own is the main cause of climate change, falling from 22% in 2009 to 17%. In 2012, more than half of the respondents (57%) believe that making changes to their lifestyle will help to reduce climate change, and three-quarters of respondents are prepared to make changes to their lifestyle.

The main concerns for people include; increased energy costs, an increase in the number of severe weather events, increased flooding, damage to natural environment and wildlife, a more polluted atmosphere, and increased food costs.

The most common actions that respondents have taken to combat climate change include; recycling as much as possible; switching off lights and having low energy light bulbs installed in their homes.

Since 2009, there have been notable improvements in the number of respondents installing loft insulation; turning down their heating; growing some of their own food and making fewer car journeys to help combat climate change.