Quakers produce Sustainability Toolkit

The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain have produced a Sustainability Toolkit – a resource that offers tools for learning, self-evaluation and practical action.

Although produced for Quaker meetings, this resource has lots of ideas that can help anyone seeking to adopt more eco-friendly practices as an individual and working to bring about a low-carbon, sustainable community.

sustainability toolkitTopics covered include ‘Listening and Observing’, ‘Visioning and Planning’, ‘Practical Action’, ‘Sharing with Others’ and ‘Group Exercises’.

The toolkit was a natural outcome from the Yearly Meeting Gathering 2011 when Quakers in Britain made a corporate commitment to become a low-carbon, sustainable community.

‘The action we are ready to take at this time is to make a strong corporate commitment to become a low-carbon, sustainable community.’ – Yearly Meeting Gathering 2011, Minute 36

The Yearly Meeting’s Sustainability and Peace programme drives, facilitates and supports action to live out this commitment. It helps Quakers and others to live more sustainable lives and to explore the connections between sustainability, economics and peace. It also seeks to influence governments and others in order to help transform Britain into a more sustainable society.

The Sustainability and Peace programme works closely with the Economic Issues programme which promotes a more equitable and environmentally responsible economy.

Living Witness and Quaker Peace and Social Witness drew on their collective experience and expertise to produce the Sustainability Toolkit, to inspire and support meetings to respond to the Yearly Meeting call to action.

For further info see http://www.quaker.org.uk/sustainability.