The Catholic diocese of Kerry made history on 20th May 2012 when it became the first diocese in Ireland to receive a diocesan Eco-Congregation Ireland award.
The award was presented to Bishop of Kerry Bill Murphy by Catherine Brennan SSL, chairperson of Eco-Congregation Ireland, at a special ceremony held in St Brendan’s College, Killarney, following 10.30am Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral.
The award was in recognition of the “excellent work” on environmental issues that has been carried out in the diocese over the years. As
well as a plaque (made from a recycled church pew) that will be erected in the cathedral, each of 20 eco-active parishes received a Certificate of Excellence, as did Ardfert Retreat
House and Presentation Secondary School, Miltown.
Presentation Sister, Regina O’ Connell, Tralee, a most active member of the Kerry Diocesan Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) committee, was instrumental in securing this award. As a result of her diligence in helping to showcase the parish projects undertaken for the annual Kerry Earth Week, ECI issued an invitation to the diocese to apply for an award.
Each year during Creation Time (1st September to 4th October) the committee organises Kerry Earth Week when parishes throughout the diocese are encouraged to make the link between their faith and concern for the natural world. Events have included harvest masses, blessing of animals services, nature walks, litter picks and planting of spring bulbs.
Congratulating the diocese on “the excellent work being done in celebrating and caring for Gods’ Creation”, Sr Catherine paid “special gratitude” to Sr Regina O Connell. “You make history here in Killarney today as the first Catholic diocese and the first Catholic parishes to receive this award,” she said.
“This work of loving, protecting, healing, celebrating and taking care of God’s creation is foundational to the Christian gospel and central to the Church’s mission. You are truly living God’s love for the whole of Creation in the way you pray, celebrate Eucharist, educate, plant trees, vegetables, flowers and bulbs, deal with energy and litter, decorate and make links with the local community and the wider global family. Your use of local radio and other means of communication to spread the word are also very commendable.
“I am particularly impressed with the celebration of Earth Week throughout the diocese during Creation Time and I note the involvement of young parents and children in this work. How encouraging it is to know of the creative venture undertaken during Earth Week 2011 with St Michael’s Catholic Church and the local Church of Ireland. Their project was an all-night vigil involving young people with a justice/environmental theme in partnership with Christian Aid and Trócaire. What I have named this morning is just a flavour of the work being undertaken throughout the diocese .
“On this day, the Feast of the Ascension, we remember that Jesus sent His followers to preach the good news to the whole of creation. In St Mark’s gospel we read ‘And He said to them Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to all creation.’ Even the smallest effort to heal and protect God’s Creation is important.
“With the poet Adrienne Rich, the members of the JPIC group in Kerry and indeed the whole diocese can say,
‘My heart is moved by all that I cannot save
So much has been destroyed
I have to cast my lot with those
Who age after age perversely
With no extraordinary power
Reconstitute the world’
“May you continue to do this work into the future for, as another poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote,
‘Earth is crammed with heaven
And every common bush
Afire with God’
“As we leave here today in joyful celebratory mood let us carry in our hearts the words of an ancient poet ‘The Holy Spirit sleeps in a stone, dreams in a flower and awakens to life in humanity.’”
See for further information about activities undertaken in Kerry.
Mission Statement of Kerry Diocesan Justice Peace & Creation Committee:
Inspired by values of the gospel, the committee aims to be a voice for justice, peace & the integrity of creation within the Diocese on issues arising locally, nationally and internationally, bearing in mind that “peace is the fruit of anxious daily care to see that each person lives in justice as God intends.”
ECI has recently started encouraging dioceses/districts/presbyteries and religious communities to apply for their eco award as well as individual churches.
If you would like to apply for an award for your parish, diocese or religious community, simply send an A4 page outlining your eco achievements to Fiona Murdoch at [email protected]. We will then arrange for two independent assessors to pay a visit.
~ Photographs by Denis Kelleher