‘The Ways of the Universe – a Creation Spirituality Retreat’ ~ July 1-6

‘The Ways of the Universe’ is the title of a Creation Spirituality retreat taking place in Drumalis, near Larne, Co Antrim from July 1-6. The facilitators will be Anne Harnett CP, Margaret Rose McSparran CP and Jennifer Morgan.

Drumalis pic 1The retreat will involve “an exploration into the dynamics of the unfolding universe and how we engage with them” with development of the following themes:

Living in an Intimate Universe – Can our experience of an intimate universe reignite our zest for living?

How the Universe Transforms – Can this reflection help us with the ongoing work of transformation in our personal and organisational lives?

The Sacred Universe – How does the fact that we live in a sacred universe affect our spiritual journey?

The Emerging Universe – How can we contribute to shaping a different future?

The context of the retreat is the entire cosmos, how we can learn from it and integrate its ways into our way of living and praying. The atmosphere will be quiet, prayerful and meditative, leaving plenty of time for personal reflection.

For further information, or to book a place, go to www.drumalis.co.uk.