Fancy a week exploring Creation or organic gardening on the Isle of Mull?

The Camas Centre, a part of the Iona Community on the Isle of Mull, is offering two environmental-themed weeks in 2012, which will allow participants experience the community at Camas and the beautiful landscape that surrounds it.

April Garden 2010 030A week of organic gardening, April 21 – 27

Why not join in a week of organic gardening at Camas? This will be an opportunity to do some useful, practical work in the vegetable garden at Camas and will be suitable for all gardening abilities, those with experience and those who are willing and just enjoy being close to the soil! There will also be plenty of opportunities to explore the landscape around the centre and spend time reflecting on the experience of living in community.

The week will be led by Liz Paterson: gardening enthusiast and member of the Iona Community, and Beccy Chenery: Camas gardener.

Individual Rate: £189 (Saturday to Friday)

Please visit the website, and click on the Camas section for more information.

untitledA week  exploring creation, September  15 – 21

The Celts spoke of two books in which it was possible to discover or ‘read’ God: the little book was the Bible, and the big book was creation. This reflective and recreational programme offers the chance to join with others in exploring creation in the beautiful setting of Camas.

The days are designed to allow a mix of structured activity and discussion sessions with individual exploration and reflection time.

Led by Kathy Galloway: practical theologian, writer, activist and former Leader of the Iona Community. Kathy is now the head of Christian Aid Scotland.

Individual rate: £230 (Saturday to Friday)

Please visit our website, and click on the Camas section for more information.