This interview took place at the World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Water Network Global Forum, which took place recently in Nairobi, Kenya. Twenty delegates took part, including church officials and experts on water issues from church-based groups and international organisations.

Our work is primarily water justice advocacy. We try to raise awareness of the global water crisis, the lack of clean water and sanitation around the world, and specific issues like bottled water.
That’s what’s happening in our country, but a large part of our work actually is in other countries where our primary function is to raise money to support communities that are trying to provide themselves with clean water and sanitation. So that’s been our primary function around the world.
I think the challenge that we all face is getting people to focus on the importance of water. It’s something that we take for granted, particularly in the United States, where our water is clean. We drink it, we don’t even think about it most of the time. So, we are getting people to understand that we are facing a global water crisis because of climate change and over-consumption by the few. We don’t have enough water to meet what Gandhi would have said are “people’s desires or wants”. We have plenty of water to meet people’s needs and that is something that we have to really convince people of.
We do it person to person and congregation to congregation, we try to go to the churches and do presentations that try to raise awareness. We’ve also prepared a curriculum on water for adult education in our churches and that’s our primary effort really.
The network has helped in so many ways. One of the great things that they have done is they have prepared the Seven Weeks for Water, which provides us with worship and adult education resources that we can draw on in formulating our own curriculum and our own worship services.
But I have to say from an American standpoint, the biggest contribution of the Ecumenical Water Network to our work has been in the area of raising our awareness of the human right to water.
One of the things that I realised when I participated in Geneva is that around the world that’s the way people do think about it (water), and maybe one of the things that we could do is to start Americans thinking in terms of the human right to water and sanitation.