East Africa is experiencing its worst drought in sixty years. Ten million people in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are now dependent on food aid. Drought is not new in this region, but people’s capacity to cope has been eroded by conflict, lack of investment, increased competition for land and water, and the impacts of climate change. Poor people are being hit the hardest and have the least means to cope.
We have the power to do something about this! We are global citizens and Ireland is part of a global community that must respond to the climate crisis. One of the most positive contributions the Irish Government can make to curbing climate change is to pass a strong climate bill to ensure Ireland plays its part in a global effort.
Ask the Minister for the Environment, Phil Hogan T.D., to act now to ensure the passage of a strong climate bill through the Oireachtas by taking part in a Trócaire email action at http://www.trocaire.org/takeaction/climate-crisis-east-africa
A Trócaire spokesperson says: “One of the most positive contributions the Irish Government can make to curbing climate change is to pass a strong climate bill to ensure Ireland plays its part in a global effort.” And you can say that to Minister Phil Hogan. It won’t take a moment and it will send a powerful message that responding to climate change is in tune with some of the strongest Irish values we pride ourselves on.

In December, Minister Hogan will travel to Durban in South Africa for the UN climate negotiations. The talks will take place in a continent where millions are hungry because of drought and famine, worsened by climate change. Enacting a strong climate law is the biggest thing Ireland can do to help stop climate chaos.
The current crisis demands not just an immediate humanitarian response but political determination to achieve climate justice.