Green Home is an action-based programme offering householders support and advice on ways to save money on their household bills and reduce their impact on the environment. The programme focuses on household waste reduction, energy efficiency in the home, water conservation and promoting sustainable travel.

Already 9,000 households are participating in the programme with great results. Many participating households include students from Green Schools, Tidy Towns groups, such as Keadue Tidy Town, and businesses, including Citi Bank and Unilever.
The Green Home programme is making a difference, most especially for households in their household bills. Research conducted for the National Consumer Agency in 2010 found that one in three people cited not having enough money to pay day-to-day expenses as their biggest financial worry for 2011. But what can we do as individuals? Well, we can be empowered to make ‘no cost’ changes in our own homes that can directly reduce our household bills and at the same time help to protect our environment. The Green Home programme is open and free to every household in Ireland so why not sign up today?