Enabling Sustainable Communities ~ 24th May

A conference called ‘Enabling Sustainable Communities – The Role of Peri-Urban Areas’ will take place in Dublin on 24th May.

At the heart of sustainable communities is the idea that we, as communities, must live within our resources and aim to achieve more with less, which requires a change in the way we design, use, consume and dispose of products and services while maintaining our environment.

The Dublin Region’s approach to ‘Enabling Sustainable Communities’ is two-pronged (1) developing, at the regional and local government levels, policies which provide the background to sustainable living and (2) engaging with local communities, schools and business to develop joint community/government action to achieve local progress and buy-in.

This conference, which takes place in Finnstown House, Lucan, Dublin will address this two-pronged approach and provide a European perspective.

For further info, see http://www.dra.ie/dynamicdata/asset/Conference%20Programme%2024%204%2011%20(2).pdf