The new Wood of Life is a hands-on, interactive exhibition on the social, economic and environmental importance of the world’s forests through development education and education for sustainable development.

It is an excellent exhibition and everyone will learn something new from it. For example, did you know that every second of every day an area of rainforest the size of Croke Park pitch is destroyed? That’s 86,400 Croke Park pitches of rainforest per day, or over 31 million Croke Park pitches of rainforest lost each year!
The Wood of Life exhibition has a very broad appeal and impacts many social disciplines. The exhibition is suitable for pupils from 5th and 6th class primary and students in the junior and senior cycle post-primary. Transition year students, woodwork and construction studies students and students of architecture/agriculture/engineering/biology/science/geography/religion are also encouraged to explore the exhibition.
This is a hands-on exhibition and students are encouraged to handle and examine all the exhibits. Ample time is also allowed for a Questions & Answers session.
For further info see or contact Tom Roche on 086 8049389 or email [email protected].