The Diocese of Kerry celebrated Creation during its recent Earth Week, which was organised by the Diocesan Justice, Peace & Creation Committee (JPIC).
All parishes were encouraged to take part
a) an initial meeting (March)
b) provision of a Resource Booklet with ideas for projects, speakers, liturgies, useful websites etc. and
c) personal support from JPIC members.
The booklet can be seen on (see under Justice, then Creation Time)
The Committee also organised some events:
1) A public talk: Fr Sean Mc Donagh ‘Climate Change. The Challenge to All of Us’.
2) A Biodiversity Farm Walk, A Bat Walk, and interviews etc on Radio Kerry.
3) A day long series of workshops & eco experiences with a lunchtime ‘green’ quiz & Fairtrade display
4) A Harvest Songs of Praise in the Church of Ireland, Killarney – an ecumenical event attended by Bishop Bill Murphy and a wonderful youth choir
Pupils from St.Brendan's NS, Rathcoole, Co Cork (one of Kerry diocese's Cork parishes!) displaying the Owl project of Sophie Cotter. They are pictured with local PP Fr Liam Comer.
Workshops: Climate Justice, The White Tailed Eagle Project, Living Sustainably at Home; Natural History & Eucharist: A Cosmic liturgy (all held in St. Brigid’s Secondary School, Killarney with wonderful presenters Ana Mahe- Trócaire, Alan Mee & Michael Gottstein, Senan Gardiner, Frank King & Sr. Kathleen Lynch.
Eco –experiences: A visit to KASI garden, Inisfallen & the Friary Garden.
KASI: Killarney, Asylum Seeker Initiative
Parishes taking part arranged various events including Harvest (of earth & sea) masses, local walks, talks, blessings of pets, an event to highlight the gift of water. One parish set up a Bird & Butterfly Habitat, another a year long project to record local sustainable projects – “Earthlore”. Others planted trees, shrubs, bulbs & had environmental prayer services. All will be featured on the Diocesan website Creation Time page over the coming months.
About 21% of parishes took part this year & the hope is to “grow” this event! Could we get another 21 % next year? Many of the diocesan-based religious communities of women & men were also actively involved and the talk & walk in the Friary garden & Pets’ blessing were wonderful ‘franciscan’ moments of the week.
Now the challenge is to keep up the momentum! Celebration of Christmas provides our next opportunity to explore sustainability in food & clothing, management of waste & use of energy in transport, lighting etc and global solidarity in gift giving.
JPIC is grateful for the great enthusiasm shown by the various parishes and for the support of all who helped in any way especially Micheál O Coileán, Environment Officer, Kerry Co. Council, Mary Fagan, Diocesan Communications Director, volunteers, and the support provided by the Environmental Partnership Fund Scheme & Kerry County Council.
“Every action taken in favour of a just and more sustainable environment , no matter how small, has an intrinsic value.” The Cry of the Earth 2009