The Carbon Exodus, starting 3rd October with an Oil Fast

A Carbon Exodus is being launched by Operation Noah on 3rd October. Inspired by the Exodus story, the journey of Moses and the children of Israel from the bondage of Egypt, we are embarking on our own journey – away from dependence on carbon towards the promised land of a Zero Carbon Britain by 2030.

The first step on the journey is an ‘Oil Fast’. On Sunday 3rd October churches around the country will hold their own ‘Oil Fast’ services. This is a day for action and reflection, for individual lifestyle changes and spiritual inspiration.

Recent events in the Gulf of Mexico have brought the wider costs of our dependence on oil to the forefront of the global consciousness. Ongoing leaks and pollution in the Niger Delta where Shell has been extracting oil for many years have received less publicity, but the consequences are the same: environmental destruction, loss of livelihoods and impacts on health.

Furthermore, the tragedy unfolding in Pakistan as millions are left stranded, homeless, injured or sick after flooding must be a call to action; we cannot ignore the impact of burning oil and other fossil fuels, it is happening all around us as we speak.

Operation Noah has prepared a selection of resources that you can use on 3rd October, including sermons, hymns, prayers, children’s activities, leaflets and sample newsletter text.
