We only need two more TDs to sign before we have a majority! Please send an email now to TDs in your constituency who haven’t yet signed. It’s very simple! Go to http://www.stopclimatechaos.ie/takeaction/.
Many of the TDs who attended the Mass Lobby commented on the buzz and energy in the room on the day. That helped us to get 81 TDs (and still counting!) to sign the Climate Commitment.
However, some TDs have still not signed the Climate Commitment. The list of TDs who have not yet signed is here – http://www.stopclimatechaos.ie/news/2010/06/27/tds-that-have-not-yet-signed-the-climate-commitment/. We need as many TDs as possible to support strong legislation. The Government is currently agreeing the draft of the Bill and that’s where you come in. Politicians need to be hearing from people who care about climate change right now.