- The centre’s Drumalis Environment Group works to raise awareness and encourage action for a sustainable future on planet earth. The commitment is:
- to tell the Universe Story
- to honour the web of life, recognising the interconnectedness of all things
- to see the whole of creation as sacred and as a revelation of the divine and to promote an attitude of reverence
- to accept our place as humans within the whole community of life
- to play our part in the unfolding of the universe by using our creativity and imagination to bring about an alternative to the dominant paradigm of consumerism which is causing climate change and depletion of the earth’s resources
- to establish the Earth Room as a resource centre of books, DVDs, information on ecology etc.
- Sr Margaret Rose McSparran
These aims are carried out by organising events, retreats, workshops, conferences, reflection days, through networking with other groups nation-wide who are working in the same area of interest, and by keeping ourselves up-to-date with global developments.
The next retreat – scheduled for July 13-18 2010 – is entitled The Other Way Round. This retreat will offer an opportunity to ponder some of the great changes that are required of us if we are to go forward into the future as “a single sacred community”. Facing up to the challenge of changing our mindsets and unexamined assumptions about our place within the community of life calls for deep conversion of heart.
These conferences have been well supported nation-wide and through them a network of ecological connections have been maintained. One of these, Sceal na Cruinne, originally a network of religious women and now opened up to all, meets four times a year in the four different provinces of Ireland. These groups keep the fire of environmental concern burning across Ireland and encourage local groups to be active and practical in their lives and work.
The 2010 Spring Conference will bring to the North East, for the first time, the symposium Be The Change. The hope is that something will be awakened in the participants to urge them into action towards an ecologically sustainable, socially just and spiritually fulfilling life on planet earth.
Thomas Berry, another environmental prophet of our day, and a Passionate priest, has written about the physical degradation of the natural world through industrialisation, pollution and extinction of species etc. For him, there is a direct connection between this desolation of the earth and a “loss of soul” on the part of humans – a deadening of human sensitivity and the capacity for wonder.
“Without the soaring birds, without the great forests, the free flowing steams, the sight of the clouds by day, and the stars by night, we become impoverished in all that makes us human.” – Thomas Berry
We believe that Drumalis is a place where the healing from this impoverishment can happen. It is a sacred place, a place of healing for those who visit or participate in its activities.
For further info see www.drumalis.co.uk.