Woodkerne Nurseries, Skibbereen, Co Cork, is hosting a number of interesting courses in the coming months.
Growing Native Trees From Seed is the theme of a workshop taking place on 1st November. This will include a guided walk exploring the techniques of gathering, saving and sowing seeds of native trees, e.g. ash, alder, oak, hazelnut, spindle, hawthorn, rosehip and guilder rose. For more information contact the Irish Natural Forest Foundation (INFF). Tel: 023 8822823.
Pruning Fruit Trees and Orchard Design will be under discussion on 7th February 2010. This practical course will focus on winter pruning of young trees to increase fruiting production and pruning to rejuvenate old fruit trees. Also, participants will learn about siting and designing an orchard, choosing varieties, planting trees, and year-round maintenance. Included will be a tour of the orchards on Woodkerne’s organic woodland farm.
An Apple Tree Grafting Workshop will take place on 4th April 2010. Woodkerne Nurseries will provide the basic theory and skills of fruit tree grafting to help participants propagate new apple trees from their old orchard trees or from any eating and cooking variety of their choice. There will also be an opportunity to learn how to create a ‘family’ tree by grafting many varieties onto one established tree. Included will be a tour of the organic woodland farm.
For further info see