Parishes are being urged to “think global – act local” in a new guide detailing how they can reduce their carbon footprint. The Parish Green Guide – Caring for God’s Creation encourages churches to make good environmental practice a priority by recycling and re-using materials and re-thinking their entire energy needs.
The guide includes a detailed check-list of practical steps that can be taken, from the basic – such as changing light bulbs and sharing lifts – to the more complex, such as establishing natural burial areas, installing solar panels and wind turbines and setting up local food co-operatives. Also included are prayers and ideas for worship on the theme of sustaining God’s creation.
Endorsing the guide, which was produced by the Church in Wales, the Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, said the importance of the environment meant sometimes churches had to be prepared to opt for the “greenest” rather than the “cheapest” option.
Rev Robin Morrison, Bishops’ Adviser for Church and Society, said, “Our belief that God has created this world gives us a special sense of responsibility for it. The challenges are huge. This Green Guide is a practical way forward for parishes in an area that can seem daunting. Each parish is invited to make their contribution via a check-list of actions and other suggestions.”
A copy of the Parish Green Guide can be downloaded at: