Count your Blessings

It’s easier to give something up for Lent if you’ve got something to start with. Far too many people in the world don’t even have life’s basic necessities.

Count your Blessings through Lent is an imaginative Christian Aid initiative to help the fight against global poverty. Each day participants are invited to respond by making a donation to the work of Christian Aid and supporting people who don’t have those things we often take for granted. Suggested actions include –
50% of our rubbish is just the packaging for the things we buy. Give 10c for each thing you throw away today.
If global temperatures rise by more than two degrees Celsius, 18% of Bangladesh will be under water.
Give 60c each time you use a washing machine or dishwasher today.
One in eight people in the world does not have access to safe water. Give 60c if you have a bath or shower today.

We can make Lent count this year – through the money we give, the prayers we offer and through the actions we take. See